
Gathinja with her painting "Hypnotizing Child"
Abstract Contemporary
African Paintings Artwork
At right are samples of Sold artworks from this African Artist, available now as art prints in several mediums, frames, & other media options.
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Gathinja's Biography
Gathinja Yamokoski is not only one of our 100 African artists, she is also True African's Gallery Owner and your hostess!
Gathinja focuses on traditional customs and practices of Kenya through original contemporary African paintings. Her style has grown in leaps and bounds from when she first practiced art seriously. Gathinja says the development of themes behind her African art paintings is a "direct reflection of my spiritual and intellectual growth as a human being."
Born in Nairobi, Kenya in East Africa, as an early teen Gathinja informally made African paintings and crafts gifts for Ethiopian and Kenyan friends. "My friends really responded to these gifts and took them to heart because they were made with them personally in mind. They were very different gifts than one could buy in a store and so my friends were thankful for the personal attention behind them."
Gathinja proudly attended Kahuhia Girls High School and then went on to earn a higher education degree at Evelyn's and Rupani's College of Design. Her influence to choose this path was from her Mother who loved making outfits for Gathinja and her brother while they were growing up. Gathinja saw the love behind this and so decided to expand on her Mother's example by professionally learning the craft of design, which encouraged her to advance her skill in African Black art at the same time.
Gathinja also likes how America displays and supports all kinds of art across the country through exhibitions, galleries, and shows. "The support artists have here is not something that is found in a great degree in Africa" she says.
Gathinja remains tied to her ancestral roots though when she makes her African paintings. She draws tribal story portraits and their traditional practices in her art. Her African paintings for sale have ended up in places like the home of Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai, other African art websites, local stores, gallery exhibitions and libraries near New York City.
Here are samples of Sold artworks, available now as art prints in several mediums, frames, & accessory options.

See this Artist's original art for sale.

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