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African artwork by Willie Wamuti, Melody Maker

ย ...Biographyย continued from Willie Wamuti's Informational Page.

Wamuti steadily discovered his African art talent in stages. As a sophomore In high school he drew comical characters in his editing position for the school's student publication. During his Junior and Senior years he was awarded second place both times amongst many schools while taking part in a painting contest.

Wamuti continued making original African paintings into his adult years, starting off by doing batiks. The Black African paintings for sale you see here are done in oils and acrylics. Their vibrancy of yellow-gold and reddish-brown color are its artist's signature.

We recently asked African artist Willie Wamuti why he paints a particular woman figure in his art pieces. He replied, "I think she depicts every aspect of life. Particularly in our culture she is the holder of life, the giver of life, the provider of life, the sustainer. My African paintings are a tribute to African women because here, I believe she is the sole sustainer of life. We moved further with this subject and asked Willie if the paintings depicts any woman in his life who gives him inspiration. Willie responded by saying, "Almost everybody tells me that I am inspired by my wife, so I tend to believe that.....although it may seem like the same woman, actually the idea changes with almost everything I see everyday. Though I paint her as the subject of most of my paintings, the subject is surely not the same. It is what I see or what I am feeling at any particular time."

Willie Wamuti is a humble fellow, soft spoken, but jolly. He is enthusiastic and confident with his African art paintings talent and his presence makes one feel at ease and welcomed.

We wish Willie Wamuti well and hope to showcase his new African paintings for sale for some time here on True African Art.

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Read more about Willie on his Information Page.