Martin Bulinya

African Tribal Paintings

See this Artist's original art for sale.
Read more about this artist in their Biography page.
Quotes from MARTIN BULINYA About His African Tribal Art
We have bought from Martin Bulinya several times in the past ten years and are glad to know him as an artist on our Site. On this Martin Bulinya's African artist Information Page, you can read quotes from our conversations together. The following is some of what we gathered:
Martin Bulinya is a fine man, eager to please and a veteran in the African art painting circles of Kenya. The joy behind his African paintings for sale are a testament for the life he enjoys happily as an artist.
We asked Martin why he has made so much African art for sale. He told us that they have been made over the years. "For a long time, I used to paint, but I never used to sell. When the market accepted my art, I sold a lot and continue to do so. So I paint all the time."
We also asked Martin Bulinya to describe his genius for being an African painter. He said, "Art is an interest on some level to most people, but maybe some of us see things more deeper than others and then they have the ability now to try to portray them in a particular medium. So I think there is a kind of mixture of things when it comes to art, whether it is in language, music, drama, or the visual. I am sure even you are an artist in one of these things. Any form of art is a talent distributed to us as humans once we discover it within ourselves."
African paintings artist Martin Bulinya, around 70 years of age at present, was raised among the Maasai tribe and born in a village named Moiben near Eldoret, Kenya. His African art paintings shows that he creates abstractly the Maasai tribe of Kenya.

Martin Buliinya with his Waterfall Painting and Gathinja
True African Art .com asked Martin if the contemporary African paintings he made ever gathered a crowd in the village. He said, "No. You know, original African art actually in the village is not so popular. People look down upon it. It is seen as a child's thing. There is of course another type of African artwork that is handled by religious workers. That art is sacred and kept by the traditional priests.
It is a revered thing and nobody goes for it. So art in the village was considered for the spirits and the gods. Now when I go home, instead of showing my works of art, I play the guitar and sing the traditional music. That is more popular in the village than my paintings. The paintings are bought by Kenyans who have gone to school. They have meaning to them. If any kind of painting or drawing in the village is popular at all, maybe it is the portraits of parents, their children, their loved ones, not the ordinary painting..." ...concluded on Bulinya's Biography Page)
- More Information on Martin Bulinya -
Read his African Artists' Letter for the Promotion of African Art
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Here are samples of Sold artworks from this African Artist, available as art prints in several mediums, frames, & accessory options.