New Paintings


    Tingatinga painters are strong because they teach, learn, and work together.

    Here above you will always find our latest paintings. We add new African art every few months or so.

    Some of these New Paintings are bundled under one image or one artist with a price tag of $0.ย  These are not free!ย  The one image is an index placeholder example for other paintings that the artist has for sale.ย  If you click the red Shop this artist's Store text link, it will take you to the artist's Collection Page where you can see more than 1 of their paintings. ย Enjoy!

    61 prodotti
    Kowie Theron | South Africa |  Meant to Be Together | Original | 2 of 2 paintings | True African Art .com
    Meant to be Together
    Kowie Theron

    30" x 80" (76 x 203 cm)
    Oils on Canvas


    These 2 separate canvases form one complete, contemporary painting that sells as a pair.ย  $1895 is the total for both "The Bull" and "The Cow" together, not separately.ย  Shipping is complimentary worldwide.