Enam Bosokah

    Ball Point Pen Artist from Ghana, Enam Bosokah

    Ghanaian artist, Enam Bosokah, draws exquisite, African themed portraits with only a ball point pen.

    About his career, Enam says:

    "I want the public to know that I am just a young artist who is craving to do more. I really don't feel like I found my time in art just yet. For some time now we have big names come from Europe, Asia, and America. But here I am, I am coming from Africa. I want to make it all the way to the top. I want to be in so many different countries wanting my work.ย  20 years from now, I want records of my art and how it was made a success. I want to inspire people all over the world."

    November, 2020 Update:ย  We were given two sets of drawings from Enam Bosokah in 2020, made exclusively for our website. There were a set of three in June and another three in November. ย They sold out quickly. ย We thank you for supporting Enam's artwork.

    May, 2021 Update - How to get Enam to make your Drawing:

    We have received many requests for Enam's work to grace True African Art's website again.ย  We thought this could translate well into the custom portraits he creates for any client who provides the right photograph.ย  ย To do it:

    1.ย  Submit a photograph that you would like to be considered for a commission by Enam. If you don't already know how a commission works, we have Enam draw it in Ghana and send to you from there.ย  We hold all the funds owed to Enam until his drawing reaches your home and you say that you are happy with it.ย 

    • This photograph you are submitting could be something African, it could be a family member, an image you like very much, etc.ย 

    • The photograph needs to be High Resoultion, meaning it was NOT taken on a camera phone but is such that it renders 5-10 MB (MegaBytes) in a file size and is clear, especially when you zoom in.ย  You can make a High Resolution image of an old photograph by using a scanner at a store like Staples or Kinkos, or you may have your own scanner.ย  If the image is blurry when you zoom in, Enam cannot use that rendering.
    2.ย  The starting price for a 12" x 16" is ย $800.ย  The price increases if there is more than one subjects and/or the photo draws a lot of complexity (like mountains in the background, a black shirt or hair, etc.).ย  ย 

    3.ย  We would collect 1/2 for a deposit and the balance can be paid once the drawing is finished and you've approved a photograph of it and Enam is ready to send it to you.

    It would take 1-3 weeks for Enam to draw your work and send them to you via DHL.ย  All of his drawings are made by his eyes, hands, a piece of paper, and a Bic Pen.ย  That's it.
    21 prodotti
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Very Certain"  |  Original  |  True African Art .com
    Very Certain
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah   |  Ghana  |  "At His Best"  |  Original  |  True African Art .com
    At His Best
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing

    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "I know, Child..."  |  Original  |  Pen on Paper
    I Know, Child...
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing

    Enam Bosokah | Ghana | "Mursi Girl with EarPlates" | Original | Pen on Paper | True African Art .com
    Mursi Girl with EarPlates
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing

    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Senegalese Woman"  |  Original  |  Pen on Paper  |  True African Art .com
    Senegalese Woman
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Ethiopian Man"  |  Original  |  Pen on Paper  |  True African Art .com
    Ethiopian Man
    Enam Bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Elder"  |  True African Art .com
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Former UN Secretary, General Kofi Annan"  |  True African Art .com
    Former UN Secretary, General Kofi Annan
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Taking Command"  |  True African Art .com
    Taking Command
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "El Hajj Malik Shabazz"  |  True African Art .com
    El Hajj Malik Shabazz
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Lupita"  |  True African Art .com
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Dying for You"  |  True African Art .com
    Dying for You
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Child"  |  True African Art .com
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Woman of Hope"  |  True African Art .com
    Woman of Hope
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "There's a Reason I Smile"  |  True African Art .com
    There's a Reason I Smile
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "My Hair"  |  True African Art .com
    My Hair
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "In my Garden"  |  True African Art .com
    In my Garden
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Realize Me"  |  True African Art .com
    Realize Me
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Warrior"  |  True African Art .com
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Cry then Fly"  |  True African Art .com
    Cry then Fly
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing
    Enam Bosokah  |  Ghana  |  "Of Age"  |  True African Art .com
    Of Age
    enam bosokah

    For Viewing