Of his relationship with True African Art, Martin has said: "Me, being an African artist, my artwork is in several places. I've been following what True African Art has been doing amongst us African artists and I would have to say say that you have been the best website who has hosted us thus far. I am really happy with you. I'm very delighted with the way you've displayed my art, how you've presented me to the world. And I am trusting of your service and dedication to your fellow Africans through the True African Art project. I hope that the people out there who have bought my art are enjoying it and that even more people will come to enjoy it."
Right: Martin Bulinya and Gathinja Yamokoski, Website Owner. My little boy wanted in on the picture!
Click here to shop small, original, hand painted Post Cards from Martin.
Click here to shop Prints for Less from Martin Bulinya.
See an exclusive video Interview with Martin, additional pictures & paintings, plus his actual written biography.
Click here to shop small, original, hand painted Post Cards from Martin.
Click here to shop Prints for Less from Martin Bulinya.
See an exclusive video Interview with Martin, additional pictures & paintings, plus his actual written biography.