Martin Bulinya | More Information

Artists Martin Bulinya and Gathinja Yamokoski

Artist Martin Bulinya with Website Owner, Gathinja Yamokoski

Art prints are available from this artist in
several mediums, frames, & accessory options.

See this Artist's original art for sale.

...continued from his Information Page...Martin Bulinya speaks fluently in five languages: English, Swahili, Kalenjin, Kikuyu, and Luhya, with a bit of Hebrew and German in the mix. He attended the University of Nairobi, majoring in Design.

Martin Bulinys's African Artwork
Besides being an African artist, Martin works also at the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) as a television set designer. Here, he is in charge of the newscasters' background setting. He also designs the graphics that appear in show backgrounds, as well as the animation that introduces or ends any program.     

In the past, Martin has worked as the illustrator for True Love Magazine and the Kenya Times.

Martin is married with five children: two boys and three girls. "My eldest son is very good at contemporary African art. My eldest daughter who is already married, she is also very good at art and an artist in her own right. 

Of the love that he has for his country of Kenya, Mr. Bulinya says, "Most of my brothers and sisters who have never been outside the country, they usually take Kenya for granted. After visiting the USA and other African countries, I loved visiting those places, but upon arriving home, I realized that Kenya is the best country around for me, both physically and even in terms of the people to me, if Kenyans can focus on the values we have amongst us we would be an even better people than we already are."

Besides spreading the love of African paintings, Martin Bulinya also writes poems and political essays. While visiting the United States several years back, he traveled to Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, Virginia, Michigan, and Texas.



See Martin Bulinya's Information Page for an exclusive video interview, more pictures, and unique quotes & information about him and his artwork. 

And to read more from Martin Bulinya, read his letter to the Kenyan Government's Ministry of Culutre, 
African Artists' Letter for the Promotion of African Art.

More information on other Maasai painting
African artists & links to their Stores can be found at: 
John Ndambo, Albert Lizah, Sarah Shiundu, and Stephen Njenga.

Here are samples of Sold artworks from this
African Artist, available as art prints in several
mediums, frames, & accessory options.

See this Artist's original art for sale.