Stephen Njenga
Maasai African Artwork
We are Sold Out of Stephen's Artwork.
We do not carry Prints of Stephen's artwork.
On more than one trip to Africa, when we acquire our original paintings, we had the privilege of selecting the works of art you see on this page directly from Stephen Njenga's own studio, which is at his home. He had two rooms that held his acrylic and oil African paintings. The rooms also contained easels from which he painted his many Maasai figures on canvas and paper.
Born in 1962 in Thogoto, Kenya, Stephen Njenga was raised in a home that happened to be of the Kikuyu tribe.
It was there, at his home, where Stephen provided us with a printed, personal biography, from which we recorded the following:
Staff Member, Michael Kivindyo,
with artist Stephen Njenga.
Making his own art is a fulll time career for Stephen Njenga, now in his late fifties. His style includes using water colors, oils, and pastels
to make semi abstract African paintings on canvas and paper. His artworks push the limits of expressing textures, colors, shapes and pattern forms. It is a continuous process for this African artist who explores various mediums and different concepts of the subject at hand. What absorbs Stephen Njenga's African art the most is his portrayal of moods and themes through colors in his artwork so that it shows livelihood and existence in a positive light.
But his past has formulated his education and experience in African art: In 1984, African artist Stephen Njenga earned a Fine Arts degree at the Creative Arts Centre. It was during this time in College that some of his artwork was featured in Nairobi's City Hall and the Sarit Center, a shopping center also in the capital city of Nairobi. Stephen's African artworks were then exhibited in the United States, the Netherlands, and at the Museum of Volkerkunde, Frankfurt. They have also been featured at the Gallery Watatu, the Gallery of Contemporary East African Art at the Nairobi, Kenya museum and with the British Council.
Other work Stephen Njenga has done are as an apprentice for interior design and in illustrations for independent contractors. While employed in such positions, he also worked as a creative art and design teacher at Kay's College Secondary School.
Some African artists have formal education in their field and some do not. What is exemplary though is when an artist has a natural talent in art that they enhance with an education and public experience. Stephen Njenga has done all these things and they have paid off. We are glad to have met face to face on more than one occasion with this creative African painter. We congratulate Stephen on his accomplishments and admire his passion for the sake of African art paintings.
We are Sold Out of Stephen's Artwork.
We do not carry Prints of Stephen's artwork.
More information on other Maasai painting
African artists and links to their Stores
can be found at:
John Ndambo
Martin Bulinya
Sarah Shiundu
Albert Lizah
Joseph Thiongo
Some Sold Paintings to see: