Women Figures

African Women Bottle Figures by Gathinja Yamokoski
To see all of the available Bottle Figures or to make a purchase on one of Gathinja Yamokoski's paintings, please go to her African Artwork Store Page.
This links to an index for all of Gathinja's content.
About the African Women Figures and their Artist
In describing the African woman figures you see on this page, artist and website founder Gathinja Yamokoski says, "The structure of these particular Black African art pieces come from recycled empty wine bottles. The bottles conception was my original idea and their design is 100% handmade. I grew so fond of the way the bottles turned out that I secured their style and image series with a government copyright registration.
Due to their intricate design, these pieces will be professionally packaged and insured. Like all the paintings on the website, Free Worldwide Shipping applies to these bottles too!
The first Woman Bottle Figure was made a around 2005 as a gift for a friend of mine. She liked it so much that I was encouraged to create more. The collection I have now was made slowly over time with the finest detail and care. The time I took to think about their design and inspiration outlasted the time it took for me to make them, though making them took quite a long time too! I love these African Women Bottle Figures and it will be personally difficult for me to part with them when they sell! They reflect my personal feelings of the revered African women, and the African women's characters who are my friends and family, so whoever buys these bottles is actually receiving a very personal gift."
Gathinja goes on to say, "As a native woman of Kenya, these pieces celebrate the women around the world who have all greatly inspired me, especially the woman of Africa. From dawn till dusk she wakes up and ensures everyone is taken care of and still has time to go do a day's work. The long neck and hands in some of the women's waistline show the African woman standing tall and strong at the end of the day. She truly is the backbone of society. At times, she is not shown that way to the world, but here she is appreciated in all her strength and beauty...
The colors you see in my African art are the colors that surrounded me every day when I grew up in Kenya, East Africa. When people enjoy my art they are confirming my belief that we should, as a human race, celebrate everything that is unique and different in ourselves."
When Gathinja thinks of people creatively expressing themselves, she says, "As a self taught artist, I believe art can be found in any form. I look for it all around me. Art is universal to humankind. It is a God like quality that expresses itself through people in the most unlikeliest places and times. Art is visual, art is musical, it is verbal, it is intellectual, it is physical, but most of all, art is spiritual and resides within all of us. The best way for us as human beings to express any form of our art like qualities is when they are truly meant from the heart and spontaneous. And they should always be acknowledged by others, affirmed, and rewarded in order for us to continue growing in our own creativity."
Gathinja's endeavor in contemporary African art is founding this website, True African Art .com. She hopes that not only will you support any African artist's paintings, but that you will also learn something new about Africa and thus develop a greater appreciation for its art and culture in the process.
On Gathinja Yamokoski's Index page you can watch a welcome video from Gathinja and see all the links associated with her artwork. And, go to Gathinja's About Page to see more pieces of her African Art. There is a video there too where Gathinja describes some stories of Kenya's traditional Kikuyu tribe that form the subject of many of her pieces. Finally, on that same page, you will find Gathinja's biography and photographs.